Mergers and Acquisitions
We Understand Commercial Clients and Their Exposures
Brokers specializing in mergers and acquisitions have close, long-term relationships with private equity firms who demand excellence. They involve tight time frames as well as the need for flexible program structures and respect for confidentiality. Your workers’ compensation underwriters need a broad background and understanding of these commercial clients and their exposures. Using our individual account model, 3CU’s underwriting and loss control team assess client needs allowing us to design workers’ compensation programs matching their requirements.
We will aid you in the due diligence process by focusing on your client’s priorities and work with you to evaluate available information and deliver your quote promptly. Whether your goal is to limit costs or collateral, we can design an effective product to meet your needs.
The variety of Mergers & Acquisitions businesses makes it difficult to list all accounts that could benefit from our approach. However, look forward to helping you determine whether your business can. Please note that the minimum premium for eligible operations is $150,000.